My First Attempt at Spinach Smoothies

20 Mar

Today was wonderful. Girls’ morning with another Marine wife and then finished things around the house and got a great at home workout in. I did a 30 min Nike Training Club workout and then about a 15 min boxing inspired workout, great cardio and my legs were worked at the end of it all!

After the workout I wanted to make a protein shake to tide me over until dinner and decided to be brave. I did some searching and decided to try a spinach protein smoothie. I was pleasantly surprised! I want to play with other ingredients but this was a good start.


Here’s the recipe I made based off what I had in the house:

  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 handful baby spinach
  • 3/4 frozen banana
  • 1 handful frozen raspberries
  • 1 small handful blackberries
  • 1 tbs flax seed
  • 1 scoop vanilla whey protein

Blend until smooth 🙂

Do you have a favorite spinach smoothie?

2 Responses to “My First Attempt at Spinach Smoothies”

  1. lorieb March 21, 2014 at 8:15 am #

    i use avocado for creaminess (instead of banana) and strawberries instead of rasp/black berries (less grainy/seedy)

What do you think?